Ack. It's like this: Correos de España lost my yarn from Interweave. So I STILL don't have it, so as you can well imagine I am a nervous wreck. So finally I have given up waiting and started on a new project, and here it is, still in the 6 million test runs stage. The "A" is for Ann, my stepmother.

The cuff is done in a new and utterly impossible technique which me and some girls from Ravelry have dubbed "Mensa Stitch" but which is also known as Backwards Crochet. In the small photo to the left you can see my new version of the cuff, now that I'm a bit more adventurous in Mensa Stitch. On the right is the button band, just waiting for some buttons.

At the same time, I'm sooo lost in Ravelry. What an incredible phenomenon it is. Anyways, I'm back now after the initial headlong plunge into Ravelry, and promise to post more often.
Nice project! I hope you enjoy it as much as the gloves I am knitting for you
Enhorabuena por la lana...más vale tarde que nunca ;)
Los mitones están quedando genial, no entiendo mucho de crochet (nada, en realidad) pero jamás pensé que pudiera tener ese aspecto tan parecido al punto.
Lía: que no te oigan en la CLF (Frente de Liberación del Ganchillo) pero muchisimas gracias cariño!
Anon: your English is so good you must be Pushka!!! No...Bruxa! No...damn it, you all speak good english.
oh!! just stunning!!When will you come at BK??? We have to knit together the fabulous sweater :) Hope to see you soon, maybe in an extra meeting at Persones Llanes
I'm not your guantaza, sorry :P
Siiiiii, quiero tejer a tres!!! Cuándo quedaremos? Hago puente!
PRECIOSOS los mitones, mmmm
Pushka, Luz, no me hagais llorar! Ya estoy mas liada que aquella madeja que intenté utilizar sin devanar. No se cuando podremos quedar! Buuaaaa!
O.K. you got my attention, so I have to ask. Is the Mensa Stitch reverse sc or something else?
It's backwards backloop sc, working right to left as usual but as if you were viewing your work from behind. It's quite a brain-teaser which is why we called it Mensa stitch! Are you on Ravelry?
wow , pedazo de calcetines alucinantes tuyos en el tejemanejes, una maravilla!
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