But now I have to start getting ready for the coming season, which means that there will be be considerably less crochet, no socks and not much blog. It's been fun though.
The up side of the experience has been seeing how many people visit my blog and knowing that it's being useful to so many crocheters around the world. That is really a thrill. And making new friends: conversations with Pushka, in any language, were worth setting up a blog for. I made a new friend in Canada who I'll meet in October when she comes to BCN: now that is amazing, Internet Power used for Good.
Now here's the Down Side: It surprises me how painful it is to see that only one's friends post comments on one's blog. It's discouraging. People visit from all over the world, but nobody says, "like your blog", or "hate your socks", or "who the hell is Adam de la Halle". Upshot: blogging is freaking me out. I feel vulnerable and silly, and may decide to can the whole thing.
With luck, tomorrow I'll see this in a better light.
Querida LaraC: este es un comentario para decirte que, todo blogger pasa por ese momento de ¿XX visitantes?¿Por qué sólo X comentarios?
La respuesta es la comodidad, la vagancia, la indiferencia ¿quién sabe?
Aunque no me leyera nadie seguiría escribiendo, simplemente porque me gusta, no lo hago por los demás, lo hago por mí.
Ya sé, es egocentrismo o narcisismo o algo así...¿y?:D
Hey, donde estas debolsillo te echamos de menos!!!Muchisimas gracias por ese comentario, me tranquiliza. A mi me gusta escribir tambien porque todo queda bonito y da gusto, como el mismo ganchillo o la musica.
¿sigues perdida por Herzegovina o dios sabe donde, o ya estas aqui?
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine, the sunshiiiiiiiiiiiiine in...
The day I'll get bored of my blog I simply close it, meanwhile it's like a joke of myself and my world :)
Love your blog and your photos are beautiful :)
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