And that's it, the whole knitted section, thank God. I have paid my dues, and I have proven to myself that I can knit. I can knit while watching CSI. I can knit with 2 strands, and even with 3 strands. Well, actually that last bit is not entirely true. 3 strands is not my strong point, as this nifty photo (yay for my iMac) of the reverse side demonstrates:

And the best part is, after removing the icky circular needle which made the thing look like a hula skirt, amazingly it turns out that it actually fits the DH!!
However, the experience while character-building did not change the fact that I find knitting very, very tiresome. I'm glad it's over, glad to be twirling again and finally done with all that Poking About with Pointy Sticks.
Will you come to BK today?? It's for the needle felt kit :)
Está quedando espectacular! yo nunca he tejido con varios colores el resultado es precioso pero no me animo a probar por me extraña que estés deseando retomar la parte de ganchillo ;)
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